Making of a Guest of Honor Part III: At the Con

On the Road

I made it!

The morning smells of waffles, cinnamon, and chocolate muffins. Today, for the first time, I wear the mantle of guest of honor. It’s a day of laurels which must be why my breakfast is Continental. I A run of texts and emails waits. There is much to do, but first I must eat too much. You see at Cons, you often get anchored to a table or a panel so a smart author grabs food when they can. I gorge. Then, something spectacular catches my eye—

Smuckers peanut butter packets!

My eyes light up. An evil grin consumes my face and I quickly toast a bagel. With a smear of peanut butter, a glop of jelly, a paper bowl, and a napkin I prepare lunch! After that, it’s on to the Salem Convention center and Geek Mob 2017.

A drop strikes the windshield as I turn the ignition. I frown, but Terry Pratchett’s Dodger plays over the stereo to cheer me up. The CD’s getting to the good part. The rain patters, then starts a tremendous drum solo. It beats with a pattern so quick you can’t distinguish the strikes. Luckily, there are no cymbals, but still, the wipers sweep away sheets of water.

The GPS drones on oblivious.

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