From Inkling to Inked

High in the sky, taller than the tallest buildings, lived Nimbus the Cloud. For those of you who have read Pitter Patty Finds Another Day, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, That’s wrong. That’s not how it begins. You’re not wrong, except that really is how it began.  This is the origin story of […]

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Star Wars Writes

On Sunday, October 11, 2020, an author by the name of the Chris Rose, while reflecting on his writing, paraphrased Han Solo- “Let’s just say we want to avoid any editorial entanglements,” he wrote. The response to Chris’ Twitter post happened at light speed. Writers, rebels all, struck back with words, jokes, and even some […]

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Five Near Misses

The question of luck is one I’ve long considered. Is one lucky because one is granted great fortune or because one avoids calamity. I’ve never really been graced with the former, but it’s hard not to be grateful for surviving unscathed. In my life, I have been struck by lightning, sucked into a rip tide, attacked […]

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Preparing for Paradise

In four days, I’m going to paradise. I guess the first step is to get footloose. No, that can’t be right. Being footloose gets you almost to paradise. To get to a Viable Paradise, the first step requires homework. Lots of homework. After all, paradise without preparation likely leads to dystopia. In this case, homework means […]

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Book Review: Holy Sister

Reading Mark Lawrence’s Holy Sister is a bit like wandering around in a candy shop only to realize that what you gobbled up might just have been nutritious. The characters, politics, intricate plots, well-realized world mixing science fiction and fantasy elements are all so satisfying. It gives you what you want in terms of action, […]

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